Unlock Your Ford Radio

100% Free • Works for M & V Serial Numbers

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How to Find the Ford Radio Serial Number?

Method 1: Getting the serial to display on-screen

Ford Radio Unlock.

Press and hold buttons 1 & 6 together. The radio will go through information on the display. The ONLY information that will be your serial will begin "M" or "V" followed by 6 digits.


Ford Radio Unlock. Ford Radio Unlock. Ford Radio Unlock.

If nothing shows press and hold down buttons 2 & 6.
If it still does not show any information move onto (method 2).

Method 2: Getting your serial number from the radios label

The next step which guarantees getting the serial number for your Ford radio is to remove the unit.
The serial number will be printed on the label clearly and will beginning with M or V followed by 6 digits.
If you are unsure of the serial number take a picture of any labels before putting them back into the dash so there is no need to remove the unit once again.


Ford Radio Unlock. Ford Radio Unlock. Ford Radio Unlock. Ford Radio Unlock. Ford Radio Unlock. Ford Radio Unlock.
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